Propriety technology based on
stem cells that removes and
regenerates the disease lesion 
at the same time - SIRP-Exo (SBI-102)

Until now, there has been no treatment that made ‘removal’ and ‘regeneration’ possible simultaneously.  This can be realized through SHIFTBIO's exosome platform technology. 

Promoting Protein, SIRPα

Promote lesion removal

Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Derived Exosome

Regeneration of Removed Lesion

SBI-102, Peerless technology
of simultaneous
pathological lesion removal
and regeneration

Concurrent induction of lesion removal and regeneration by SBI-102 can be a breakthrough
strategy that normalizes liver tissue

(systematic restoration) 

Removal of lesions by maximizing
the phagocytic efficacy of SIRPα,

Lesion regeneration

by MSC-derived exosome

Phagocytosis Promoting Protein, SIRPα

Promote lesion removal

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Nanovesicle 

Regeneration of Removed Lesion

Providing a Second Chance 
to Patients with Liver Disease
by normalization of liver with SBI-102. 

Until now, there has been no treatment that made ‘removal’ and ‘regeneration’ possible simultaneously. This can be realized through SHIFTBIO's exosome platform technology. 

NASH with liver fibrosis 

NASH is explosively increasing due to westernized dietary habits.

NASH eventually forms liver cirrhosis, which has no treatment option other than liver transplantation.

NASH treatment market is expected to reach $30B by 2030.

Limitations in treating complexity of NASH though molecular level therapeutics.

Acute liver failure

ALF is a rare and life-threatening acute disease. 

Inducing massive cell death of liver within a short time due to various causes, such as drugs or viruses.

ALF induces multiple organ failure, such as the brain and kidney, leading to death in 50% of patients. 

Limitations in preventing liver failure through molecular level therapeutics.

Providing a Second Chance to Patients with Liver Disease
by normalization of liver with SBI-102. 

Until now, there has been no treatment that made ‘removal’ and ‘regeneration’ possible simultaneously. 
This can be realized through SHIFTBIO's nanovesicle platform technology.

    Acute liver failure 

  • ALF is a rare and life-threatening acute disease. 
  • Inducing massive cell death of liver within a short time due to various causes, such as drugs or viruses. 
  • ALF induces multiple organ failure, such as the brain and kidney, leading to death in 50% of patients. 
  • Limitations in preventing liver failure through molecular level therapeutics.  

    NASH with liver fibrosis 

  • NASH is explosively increasing due to westernized dietary habits. 
  • NASH eventually forms liver cirrhosis, which has no treatment option other than liver transplantation. 
  • NASH treatment market is expected to reach $30B by 2030. 
  • Limitations in treating complexity of NASH though molecular level therapeutics.