Patent Portfolio Strategy 

We protect our Intellectual Property Rights through Patent Portfolio Strategy: 

Establishment of quarterly FTO Reports to secure rights and a Patent Portfolio Strategy
for potent protection of intellectual property rights.

Defending our Intellectual Property
by Patent Portfolio Strategy

Patent Portfolio Strategy 

We protect our Intellectual Property Rights through Patent Portfolio Strategy: 

Establishment of quarterly FTO Reports to secure rights and a Patent Portfolio Strategy
for potent protection of intellectual property rights.

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[Patent ]

Method for Displaying Therapeutic
Proteins on the Surface of NNP

“Natural nanoparticle Sorting Motif”, a highly efficient technology in delivering desired macromolecules from cells to natural nanoparticle.


Partnered Pipelines

Entry into each country and build a patent portfolio. 

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[Patent ]

Technology for Loading Therapeutic
Proteins into NNP

Automatic loading of macromolecules in natural nanoparticles and maximizing intra-cellular delivery efficiency.


Novel Recombinant NNP

Natural nanoparticles that fuse and edit specific cell membranes and deliver therapeutic cargos without damage.

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[Trademark ]


Letters / logo trademarks entered 22 countries including the US