Granting multifunctionality
Enhancing the intracellular delivery efficiency
Maximizing Protein Expression on NVs
Optimizing Cargo Loading in NVs
Develivering to Targeted Intracellular Locations
Alternative to Allogenic Cell Therapy
Efficient Intracellular Delivery Tool
Proteins cluster at the NV membranes to maximize biological activity, expression of which is propotional to the efficacy
NV Sorting Motif, a highly efficient technology exceeding competitive techniques in delivering desired macromolecules from cells to NVs.
InProDel facilitates the natural loading of therapeutic cargos into nanovesicles in free-form and avoids the endolysosomal pathway through the use of fusogenic peptides. This innovative approach significantly enhances the rate of intracellular drug delivery.
Transplanting membrane protein
Implanting the specific proteins on the
targeted plasma membrane
Improving the responsiveness of existing
targeted therapeutics
Inserting ‘Enemy signals’
on the cancer cell membrane
Induction of potent anti-cancer
immunity in vivo
Cytoplasmic Delivery
Avoid endolysomal pathway and deliver
therapeutic genes and proteins
into cancer cells